Integrated Humanities Program
The keystone of Valor’s high school curriculum, the Integrated Humanities Program (IHP), is a four-year sequence that combines discussion of the greatest authors such as Homer, Plato, Aquinas, and Shakespeare, with the study of Western history and culture from ancient Greece through modernity. The heart of the course is daily seminar discussion, which prioritizes careful reading, thinking, listening, and speaking. Students develop public speaking skills through quarterly panel presentations and the annual IHP Symposium. Ultimately, IHP cultivates a philosophic and poetic spirit in our graduates, preparing them to participate in a more humane civic discourse.
Valor’s Integrated Humanities Program is a central and innovative part of the 9th-12th grades. This interdisciplinary approach develops in students the ability to make connections between various fields of study and allow them to see history, literature, art, and philosophy from multiple perspectives. The IHP curriculum includes English Language Arts, History, and Social Studies coursework within a unified, double-period course. Pursuing these subjects in an integrated way helps students make connections and see the interrelatedness of topics that would typically be presented in isolation from each other.
Beginning with an exploration of American civilization, students continue in a sequence of courses that explore the ancient, medieval, and modern worlds. These courses feature frequent Socratic seminar discussions of the Great Books and other key primary texts from literature, history, and philosophy. They emphasize key habits of close reading, clear thinking, use of textual evidence, clarity of expression, careful listening, and civil discourse. Valor graduates develop skills of independent thinking and deep inquiry into the most fundamental human questions that arise from a study of these time periods and texts.
Integrated Humanities Program Reading List
Benefits of an Integrated Humanities Approach
Helps students to see the unity and interconnectedness of literature, history, art, and philosophy
Fosters character growth and community-building (civility, the ability to listen, respect for the ideas of others)
Stimulates deep inquiry and fosters synthetic, integrated thinking
Trains students to view fields of study from multiple perspectives
Increases student interest, engagement, and retention of knowledge
Provides intensive preparation for college-level study
Forms invaluable career skills

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