Special Programs
Special Education
True to our public mission, Valor is committed to making our distinctive classical education available to all students, regardless of background or ability. We serve students with a variety of disabilities and other special needs. Our team is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating individuals with disabilities who are enrolled at one of our campuses. If you know or suspect that your student has a disability, please contact Special Programs at 512-646-4170 or by clicking the button below for information about available programs, assessments, and services.
504 Services
To ensure that all students receive equal educational opportunity, our schools provide appropriate educational accommodations to students with disabilities or learning differences. To be eligible for 504 accommodations, students must have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits their learning or limits a major life activity. If you have questions about 504 plans, contact Special Programs at 512-646-4170 or by clicking the button below.
English Language Services
Students identified as Emergent Bilinguals at Valor receive direct services from English as a Second Language (ESL) certified teachers. Through targeted support, our ESL program helps students become proficient in reading, speaking, listening, and writing in English. If you have questions about our ESL program, please call 512-646-4170 or click the button below.
Parent Resources
Special Education
Child Find Brochure (English) | Spanish
Procedural Safeguards (English) | Spanish
Parent’s Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Process (English) | Spanish
TEA Resources
SB 139 Notice to Families
Compensatory Services (English) / Spanish
TEA Dyslexia Handbook
Dyslexia Handbook Updates (English) / Spanish
Other Resources
Autism Resources for Families
Special Education Information Center
Transition Information
Texas Transition and Employment Guide