
 We invite you to browse our lectures on a wide variety of topics that have been captured at Valor Institute events. Whether a guest professor at an academic retreat, a member of the Valor leadership team at a seminar, or a Kingfisher Fellow at the Valor Symposium, we hope this podcast and these videos deepen your understanding of and appreciation for truth, goodness, and beauty.


The Valor Institute regularly hosts academic retreats, seminars, and symposia for professors, professionals, teachers, and students. Our podcast features recordings from these gatherings, which span a variety of topics as we search the Great Books for truth, goodness, and beauty.

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 Video Library

The Valor Institute compiles content from our academic retreats, seminars, and symposia.

Opening Remarks, Joel VanDerworp
Valor Symposium Winter 2022

“Education and Liberty in Shakespeare’s The Tempest,” Dr. Benedict Whalen
Keynote Address, Valor Symposium Winter 2022

Closing Remarks, Joel VanDerworp

Valor Symposium Winter 2022

“On Acedia,” Dr. John Finley

“On Acedia,” Dr. Benedict Whalen

Valor Institute Kingfisher Fellow in Residence

Opening Remarks, David Williams

Valor Symposium Summer 2021

Romeo and Juliet and Petrarch: Shakespeare’s New Love Poetry,” Dr. Benedict Whalen
Keynote Address, Valor Symposium Summer 2021

Final Exhortation, David Schuler

Valor Symposium Summer 2021

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