VNA Current Families Info Page
K-12 FAQs & Resources
Attendance Policy for All Students K-12
If your child will be absent, email the attendance line and include the reason for the absence in your email as well as a doctor's note. Please do not call the front office.
If an email/doctor's note is not received within two school days of the absence, the absence will be recorded as unexcused.
Remember that three tardies equals one unexcused absence. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the detailed attendance policy in our Family Handbook (p 35).
Should you have questions about excused vs. unexcused absences, state attendance requirements, etc., please email Mrs. Power, Attendance Coordinator, at the Attendance email address linked above.
If you need to pick up your students early for a doctor's appointment or other reasons, please send an email the day before to reception.northaustin@valoreducation.org.
Please include the time you need to pick up your student(s) and cc their teacher(s) so they know that the student will be leaving during the school day.
Please note that early pickup is not permitted after 2:45 PM. The front entry gate will close at 2:45 PM to prepare for dismissal and carline.
The VNA Family Directory is released quarterly, with contact information for those who have opted in to share their names, student grade level, email, and/or physical address.
Contact info.northaustin@valoreducation.org to obtain the most recent directory.
Click here to view the VNA Families Business Directory.
If you are a VNA family and private business owner who would like to share your business details with other VNA families, please fill out this form.
Families who qualify receive assistance with uniforms, athletics, and other programs (in addition to free or reduced-price meals).
We are asking all VNA families to apply, even if you feel you may not qualify or do not wish to receive assistance. This information helps our school to qualify for the full amount of public funding for which we are eligible.
If you are new to Valor, you will need to create a JupiterEd account. Jupiter connects you to:
your student's teachers (as the easiest way to message them),
progress reports and report cards,
important, timely information (when you setup Jupiter text alerts).
To set up your account, you will navigate to JupiterEd, click on the Parent Tab, and enter your information. You must use the same email address you used to register your child(ren) with Valor North Austin to create your account.
Once you have created and logged in to your account, go to the Settings Menu and check the boxes to receive emergency text and email alerts.
If you have any trouble setting up your account or do not see all your children listed, please contact info.northaustin@valoreducation.org. -
All K-5 students who have not been picked up when dismissal is over at 4:05 pm are sent to and supervised in the After School Program until they are picked up. The same will apply for all 6th-8th grade students not picked up by 4:15 pm.
The After School program is a paid program, and charges will be incurred by families who pick up their student(s) late. There is a 5-minute grace period for late pick up, from 4:05-4:10 pm (LS) & 4:15-4:20 pm (6th-8th), after these times a $1 per minute, per child late fee will be charged.
On early release days, K-8 students not picked up by 1:30 pm will be sent to after care.
Parents arriving for on-campus meetings or events between 7:55 AM and 2:30 PM should park ON CAMPUS. This also applies to students being dropped off late or leaving early (wherein parents should walk their students into and/or out of the Main Office).
Parents should no longer park at the South Lot (the Shops at Owen Tech). Thank you for your cooperation.
Click to download the forms below.
Return forms to Mrs. Lanicek.
Parent newsletters are sent weekly to the primary 1-2 guardians listed in SchoolAxis. If you have not been receiving the newsletter, please contact info.northaustin@valoreducation.org.
A Culture of Contribution
Valor's PSO exists to help foster friendship and build community among Valor families.
Mission: To assist Valor North Austin in creating the highest quality classical charter school, educating the whole person in authentic communities for a full human life.
Purpose: To provide parents and guardians with a variety of ways to serve and support the Valor North Austin school community (students, faculty, and leadership) throughout the year.
Click to Serve with the PSO.
Join the PSO’s Grade Level Facebook Group(s) below.
Students may only wear official Valor spirit wear, i.e., Valor Games shirts, Valor Kindergarten ("Class of 20xx") shirts, Valor athletic shirts (jerseys), or Valor Spirit shirts. Scholars participating in athletics are strongly encouraged to wear their jerseys!
"Spirit socks": colorful socks (without pop-culture references or images, other words, or phrases) are allowed.
Any color and type of athletic shoes (Converse included) or uniform shoes may be worn. NO sandals.
School uniform bottoms: All scholars must wear school uniform bottoms. The belt is not necessary for Spirit Day.
Clothing should be modest, loose-fitting, in good repair (e.g., no holes, torn sleeves, etc.), and free of images and messages other than Valor.
Hair accessories for girls will be the same as what they usually wear on a typical school day.
The dress guidelines are intended to encourage the day's focus on spirit. Thank you for helping us make it a memorable day!
As part of our continual commitment to safety, we regularly practice emergency response drills on campus. A critical component of these drills is clear communication with first responders, faculty, and the parent community. You will receive Jupiter Ed notifications that indicate a drill may be happening on campus. This is to keep you informed and also to allow us to regularly practice this important communication component. Please take some time to read the document linked here for more details about our Standard Response Protocols (SRP).
If your family prefers a language other than English, you can easily translate any of Valor's communications in your web browser. Follow the four simple steps in this document.
Tutoring is available for Upper School students. Details here.
Questions? Contact Assistant Headmaster of the Upper School, Mrs. Dunn at cdunn@valoreducation.org.
Uniform Ordering Tips
The following is a suggestion, based on current VNA family feedback:
Polos will most likely have to be washed after each wear for Lower School scholars.
Shorts, pants, skirts, shifts, sweaters, and oxfords can be worn multiple times before washing.
Suggested Uniform "Bundle" per scholar:
One Sweater
Three shorts (for boys or girls not wearing shifts or skirts)
Two pants for Upper School boys
Two oxfords for Upper School boys and girls
Two skirts and shifts
Four polos
Polo Colors & Logos Update
While only Valor Education logo items are now sold, Upper and Lower School items with the Valor Public Schools logo will be allowed through May 2025.
Grace Period for Unavailable Items
If your student does not yet have all required uniform items, please ensure that they arrive dressed in the remaining items of the uniform (shoes, socks, belt, shorts or pants, etc.) and substitutes as listed below:
K-5 scholars may wear a light blue or forest green polo with navy dress shorts.
6-8 students may wear a white or navy blue polo with khaki dress shorts or pants.
9-12 students may wear short or long sleeve white or blue oxfords (button down and collared shirts) with khaki dress pants.
New students will be allowed to make these substitutes until uniform items arrive.
PARENTS OF SCHOLARS IN GRADES K-5: Please personally communicate with your scholar's homeroom teacher about your missing uniform pieces.
Hat Policy
We will allow students to wear hats for sun protection when they are outdoors, following uniform guidelines (no large logos and only solid colors please).
Please contact the appropriate Assistant Headmaster with any concerns you may have regarding uniforms and compliance:
Lower School: Mr. Chapman
Upper School: Mrs. Dunn -
Whether you are a hobby photographer or a pro, we'd love to include the photos you take on and off campus in this year's yearbook!
VNA PSO Facebook Groups
for the 2024-25 school year
The VNA-endorsed Facebook groups and pages listed below are intended primarily for community building. VNA families should expect official school updates to be delivered via this page, the parent newsletter, and Jupiter texts or emails.
In the spirit of the Valor Way Life Value #8, “We communicate with openness, honesty, and good will,” we always invite parents with questions or concerns to reach out to us directly by contacting your student’s teacher or info.northaustin@valoreducation.org.
Please note: the Facebook groups listed below are endorsed by the Valor North Austin Faculty, Staff, and Parent Service Organization (PSO). Any other Facebook pages or groups are considered “unofficial” (not an official resource for school information).
Thank you for your trust and partnership!
Kindergarten Parents
1st Grade Parents
2nd Grade Parents
3rd Grade Parents
4th Grade Parents
5th Grade Parents
6th Grade Parents
7th Grade Parents
8th Grade Parents
9th Grade Parents
10th Grade Parents
11th Grade Parents
12th Grade Parents
High School (Grades 9-12) Parents
VNA Carpool
Valor Swap (Uniform Resell)
Valor Education Facebook Page
Quick Links
Valor North Austin Events Calendar

Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 7:25 AM - 4:05 PM
For general questions, concerns, or ideas, please contact:
info.northaustin@valoreducation.org -
To contact Headmaster Hill, please email or call:
512-646-4168, ext. 173