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Lottery Date

Valor's lottery for 2022-2023 will be held on Thursday, February 2, 2023. Applicants in each grade level will be randomized by an automated enrollment software system called SchoolAxis.

Following the lottery, we will make a first round of offers on February 2, 2023, for Kindergarten at each campus. Families given an offer receive an email and/or text based on your settings in SchoolAxis. All other families receive an email and/or text sharing that the lottery results are in and providing instructions on how to check their waitlist number. At schools with existing students, offers for grades 1 and higher will not typically be made until current families complete their intent to return forms (re-enrollment) in March. As a result, waitlist positions for applications in grades 1 and higher will not change significantly until later March/early April after re-enrollment.

January 31

Prospective Parent Info Session via Zoom

February 3

Lottery Application Deadline