College Counseling
Preparing Students for the Path Ahead
Valor is pleased to offer our high school students a comprehensive College Counseling program. We seek to extend Valor's mission, to educate the whole person in authentic communities for a full human life beyond graduation. Beginning in ninth grade, our curriculum and support services ensure our students feel confident about taking the next step in their journey, whether that is college, technical training, or beginning a career.
Mrs. Chapman
College Counselor
Ms. Dewoody
College Counselor
Special Events
We are excited to host in-person meetings between our high school students and college admissions representatives throughout the school year. The schedule for these meetings will be shared with students and also will be made available on the school calendar. Most colleges now offer virtual tours on their websites, which is another resource for students to learn about various institutions.
In addition to the above, we plan to host career panels, college alumni panels, college visits, PSAT/standardized testing education for parents, FASFA training, etc.
For the college-bound, Valor’s program leads students through all aspects of the college admission process:
Submitting Applications | Preparing for College Entrance Exams | Writing Essays | Creating Resumes | Navigating Financial Aid
Moreover, Valor helps guide students to discover careers, training programs, and apprenticeships that are a good fit. Our Valor North Austin College Counselors, Mrs. Mary Kay Chapman and Ms. Amanda Dewoody, are available to assist as needed and can be contacted through email at mchapman@valoreducation.org or adewoody@valoreducation.org or by phone at 512.646.4168, ext 190.