Students may wear either:
Valor Griffins Spirit Shirt.
Valor Kindergarten shirts.
Valor athletes are asked to wear their athletics uniform shirts. Cross-
country/track and basketball jerseys must be worn with an undershirt.
Plain vermillion (red), gold, or white T-shirt (no pockets, logos, or graphics)
"Spirit socks" are encouraged! These are colorful socks (without pop-
culture references or images, other words, or phrases) strongly
encouraged to be in Vermillion and Gold.
All students should wear normal uniform bottoms (skirts, shorts, or pants) and normal uniform shoes.
Clothing should be modest, loose-fitting, in good repair (e.g., no holes, torn sleeves, etc.), and free of images and messages other than Valor.
Hair accessories for girls should follow the normal uniform guidelines.
The dress guidelines are intended to encourage the day's focus on spirit. Thank you for helping us make it a memorable day!