The Valor Institute Hosts Dana Gioia: Poetry & Education
The Valor Institute Hosts Dana Gioia

Valor Winter Symposium
Valor’s Annual Winter Symposium, with Keynote Speaker Jonathan J. Sanford, PhD., President of the University of Dallas. Dr. Sanford will speak on Plato's Apology.

Valor Institute College Student Retreat
Led by Dr. Jason Baxter, the Valor Institute’s College Program will offer collegiate Juniors and Seniors the opportunity to spend a week in Austin, TX immersed in study of Dante’s Purgatorio.

Valor Fall Symposium
Valor’s Annual Fall Symposium, with Keynote Speaker Daniel Coupland, Dean of Hillsdale’s Graduate School of Education. Readings for the event include “Beauty and the Beast” and selections from Vigen Guroian’s Tending the Heart of Virtue.

Valor Winter Symposium
The 2024 Valor Winter Symposium, featuring Keynote Speaker Peter Crawford. Readings for the event include Viktor Frankl’s classic Man’s Search for Meaning and Robert Spaemann’s essay “Education as an Introduction to Reality.”

Valor Fall Symposium
The annual Valor Fall Symposium, with Keynote Speaker Dr. James Matthew Wilson. Seminar readings include T.S. Eliot’s “Tradition and the Individual Talent” and Josef Pieper’s Tradition.

Academic Retreat: Ferdinand Ulrich on Childhood
Led by Andrew Shivone, Ph.D. candidate at John Paul II Pontifical Institute in Washington D.C.

Valor Institute College Student Retreat
Led by Dr. John Finley, the Valor Institute’s College Program offers collegiate Juniors and Seniors the opportunity to spend a week in La Jolla, CA immersed in study, friendship, and the natural world.

Academic Retreat: Eric Voegelin's The New Science of Politics
Led by Michael Hickman, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Politics at the University of Mary.

Academic Retreat: The Complexities of Patriotism
Led by Susan Hanssen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History at the University of Dallas.

Academic Retreat: Politics and the Person
An Academic Retreat led by David Walsh, Ph.D., Professor of Politics at Catholic University of America.

Valor Institute College Student Retreat
College Student Retreat on C S Lewis’ Space Trilogy led by Dr. John Finley.
Open to collegiate juniors and seniors, the Valor College Student Retreat offers students an immersive week of study, discussion, and adventures in some of Southern California’s most beautiful places.

Academic Retreat: Augustine’s Confessions
An Academic Retreat led by Jeffrey Lehman, Ph.D., Professor of Humanities at the University of Dallas, and John Finley, Ph.D., Academic Director of the Valor Institute

Academic Retreat: William Faulkner’s Flags in the Dust
An Academic Retreat led by Dr. Elizabeth Reyes of Thomas Aquinas College (CA)

Academic Retreat: Art as an Intellectual Virtue
An Academic Retreat led by Dr. Randy Colton, Director of Ethics at Mercy Health System and Dr. John Finley, Academic Director of the Valor Institute

Academic Retreat: The Crisis of Western Education
Topic: The Crisis of Western Education
Texts: The Crisis of Western Education, Christopher Dawson
Leader: Dr. Andrew Seeley is Director of Advanced Formation for Educators and Concurrent Professor of Philosophy at the Augustine Institute. He received a Licentiate from the Pontifical Institute in Medieval Studies in Toronto and a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies from the University of Toronto. In three decades as a Tutor at Thomas Aquinas College, Dr. Seeley taught every subject in its integrated Great Books curriculum. He is co-author of Declaration Statesmanship: A Course in American Government. Desiring to share his love of learning, Dr. Seeley co-founded the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education in 2005, where he served as Executive Director for 12 years, and continues as a Faculty Consultant. He became Executive Director of the Arts of Liberty Project in 2021, and recently co-founded the Boethius Institute for the Advancement of Liberal Education with Dr. Jeffrey Lehman. For his work in the renewal of liberal education, he was named as the 2023 recipient of the Circe Institute’s Paideia Prize. He is an avid devotee of the works of JRR Tolkien, and an amateur director of the plays of William Shakespeare.

Academic Retreat: Yves Simon’s A General Theory of Authority
Topic: Philosophy of Authority
Texts: A General Theory of Authority
Leader: Daniel Connelly serves as Assistant Professor and Course Director of the Department of Leadership at the US Air Force's Air Command and Staff College and serves on the Board of Valor Education. Prior to his current post, he served there as Assistant Professor of International Security and the college's Director of Faculty Development. He holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Auburn University, an M.S. from the Joint Military Intelligence College, an M.A. from American University, and a B.A. from Trinity College in Russian Studies. During his doctoral matriculation, he specialized in Organizational and Social Psychology. He offers elective courses in Russian strategic culture and the contemporary applications of the Just War Tradition. Dr. Connelly was assigned to the Air Force's Squadron Officer College in 2004, returned there as Dean of Academic Affairs and Faculty Development in 2010, and was assigned to the Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) in 2015 for his last military assignment before retirement from the US Air Force.

Academic Retreat: Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park
An Academic Retreat led by Dr. Dutton Kearney of Hillsdale College and Dr. John Finley, Academic Director of the Valor Institute

Academic Retreat: The Human Person and Modernity
Topic: “The Human Person and Modernity”
Texts: End of the Modern World, Romano Guardini, “Violence and Modern Gnosticism,” Augusto Del Noce, “The End of Modernity,” Robert Spaemann
Leader: Dr. Jon Kirwan, Director of Graduate Programs at University of St Thomas (TX) and Dr. John Finley, Academic Director of the Valor Institute

Valor Institute Retreat for Headmasters
A retreat for Headmasters of classical schools discussing Josef Pieper, The Philosophical Act

Valor Institute Retreat for New School Leaders
A Retreat on Valor’s Origins and Identity

Valor Institute Academic Retreat: Dante’s Paradiso
An Academic Retreat led by Dr. Jason Baxter of the University of Notre Dame discussing Dante’s Paradiso

Valor Institute College Student Retreat: Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale
Open to collegiate juniors and seniors, the Valor College Student Retreat offers students an immersive week of study, discussion, and adventures in some of Southern California’s most beautiful places.

Valor Institute Academic Retreat: Ernest Hemingway's Farewell to Arms and Other Stories
An academic retreat led by Dr. Benedict Whalen, Kingfisher Fellow in Residence at the Valor Institute and Associate Professor of English at Hillsdale College.

Valor Institute Dinner and Discussion
An evening of dinner and discourse for Valor faculty in Austin.

Valor Institute Academic Retreat: Greek Comedy and Tragedy
An academic retreat led by Dr. Kent Lasnoski, Assistant Professor of Theology at Wyoming Catholic College.

Valor Institute Dinner and Discussion
An evening of dinner and discourse for Valor faculty in Austin.