One Hundred Days of School Celebrations
Kindergarten and 1st Grade scholars will celebrate 100 days of learning! Parents will receive more information via email.
5th Grade Field Trip
The 5th grade class will visit the Bob Bullock Museum. More details will be provided to parents of 5th grade students before the event.
Kindergarten Field Trip
The kindergarten class will visit Crowe’s Nest Farm. More details will be provided to parents of kindergarten students before the event.
1st Grade Field Trip
The 1st grade class will visit the LBJ Wildflower Center. More details will be provided to parents of 1st grade students before the event.
Kindergarten & 1st Grade Concert
All Kindergarten & 1st Grade Classes will perform. More details will be provided via the Parent Newsletter.
5th Grade Promotion Ceremony
On this evening, we celebrate our 5th-grade students’ graduation from Lower School to Upper School. More information will be sent to guardians of 5th-grade students.
Lower School Parents Night
We are pleased to invite guardians of Lower School students (grades K-5) to attend Parents Night and experience a day in the life of a Valor scholar!
At this event, intended exclusively for parents and guardians (no children, please), you will have the opportunity to be taught by your child's instructors. By learning just a bit of what your children participate in daily, we hope you will also more deeply understand and value Valor's unique culture.
More details about the event have been sent to guardians of Lower School students.
Please note: the start time has been pushed back to 6 PM to allow more guardians to be able to attend.
MAP Testing Window
A web based exam given to students using Chromebooks in grades 3 through 8. These tests aim to measure student growth in tested subjects as they progress through the year. These tests will not taken for a grade in your child's classes, and there is no preparation needed in advance.
Kinder Cheers & Tears
Parents of kindergarten students are welcome to walk their child up to the building on the first day of school, snap a photo, and wish their child well on this grand new adventure! More details here.
Kindergarten Kickoff #2
Sign Up for Kindergarten Kickoff
Kindergarten Kickoff is an important first step in your educational journey with Valor North Austin, and we can't wait to welcome our littlest lions!
Your incoming kindergartener and at least one guardian should plan to attend.
Kindergarten Kickoff #1
Sign Up for Kindergarten Kickoff
Kindergarten Kickoff is an important first step in your educational journey with Valor North Austin, and we can't wait to welcome our littlest lions!
To accommodate busy summer and work schedules, we are offering two sessions. You need only to attend one session. Your incoming kindergartener and at least one guardian should plan to attend.
Soccer Camp
Monday, June 17-Thursday, June 20
1:00-4:00 PM
2024-25 school year "rising" 6th-12th grade students.
Location: Northeast Metro Park, 15500 Sun Light Near Way, Pflugerville, TX 78660
*Registration has closed.*
Youth Soccer Camp
Monday, June 17-Thursday, June 20
8:30-11:30 AM
2024-25 school year "rising" 2nd-5th grade scholars,
Lower School camps are only offered to currently enrolled students.
Location: Northeast Metro Park, 15500 Sun Light Near Way, Pflugerville, TX 78660
*Registration has closed.*
Multi-Sport Summer Camps
Half-Day Camps Schedule: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM-Noon
Week 1: June 3-7
Week 2: June 10-14
Week 3: June 17-21
Week 4: June 24-28
Drop off & pickup window: 15 minutes before/after camp.
Location: Valor North Austin cafeteria
Grades: Current year K-4th grade scholars (boys and girls)
(2024-25 school year "rising" 1st-5th grade scholars).
Lower School camps are only offered to currently enrolled Valor students.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Neveu:
1st, 3rd, & 5th Grade Curricular Celebrations
The 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade classes will have themed celebrations based on books they have read this year. More information has been provided to families of students in these grades.
Spring Concerts: 2nd-5th Grade + Flute & Strings Clubs
Please plan to join the 2nd-5th grade students in a celebration of song at the annual Valor North Austin spring concert.
2nd-3rd & Flute Club will perform at 6 PM.
4th-5th & Strings Club will perform at 7:15 PM.
For full details, please see communications sent to 2nd-5th grade and flute/strings club guardians.
MAP Testing Window
A web based exam given to students using Chromebooks in grades 3 through 8. These tests aim to measure student growth in tested subjects as they progress through the year. These tests will not taken for a grade in your child's classes, and there is no preparation needed in advance.
4th & 7th Grade Curricular Celebrations
The 4th & 7th grade classes will have themed celebrations based on books they have read this year. More information will be provided to families of 4th & 7th grade students.
VNA Community Dinner
It’s time for another Community Dinner! Join us at The Pitch for a come and go dinner with your VNA friends.
Spirit Day
It’s time for another Spirit Day! Please review the spirit dress guidelines below and visit the VNA Spirit Shop to gather your spirit gear.
Note: Spirit Day is an optional activity. The full uniform must be worn if students do not wear spirit gear per the guidelines below.
2nd Grade Curricular Celebration
The 2nd grade classes will have a “Little House in the Big Woods” themed celebration. More information will be provided to families of 2nd grade students.
3rd Grade Field Trip
Details have been provided to parents of 3rd grade students. Register here.